Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It is new,
This solid land,
A form beneath
His foreign feet.

He fights for something,
A meaning
In the sound that,
Falls from his tongue
And crumbles
Back into dirt,
Which might as well
Be flesh.

But this heaviness,
A longing he can’t express
Or describe
Comes before and then
He is absolutely nothing,
Horizontal and unmoving.

So from his flesh,
His vitality held in by tight skin,
She was birthed,
She blossomed from what grew
From the seed of emptiness,
Earth that moved,
And simply science
In the wrong context.

And in this nothing,
In this silence,
A wall that was never
To be scaled,
A craving grew,
Boiling into
A flash of needing,
Into words,
Into Eve.

1 comment:

mandijo said...

this one is my favorite, rosie. it's beautiful and gets at the deeper story.