Wednesday, April 6, 2011


By Rosie Wilcox

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. -Robert Frost

For my father, he taught me the true meaning of home.

And the wind.

I folded up the sunny days,
The laughter I recall,
The peace of overcast,
Tucked them into my pocket,
And left home.

I ventured off into the
Traffic grid, and viewed the city,
An ant to the scrapers of sky.

My dollars changed hands,
And made a universal arc,
Maybe now they are rotting
Away in a basement,
Or tossed by a hungry breeze.

I marveled at the strength
Of human-kind,
Which may also be stupidity,
Or perhaps misplaced ignorance.

I reached into to my pocket
Removed the memories,
But they were snatched away,
By a foreign, smoggy wind,
Carrying them off
To god knows where.
Maybe he’ll tell me.

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