Wednesday, April 6, 2011


By Rosie Wilcox.

If there is any place more perfect than this, I do not wish to know.

The state of Washington, not to be confused with the city,
A content individual who may be me,
And a rhetorical question of great importance, at least within my mindset.

Here in this Washington,
Not a city with a DC,
The streets turn as if
They are their own world,
Spinning away from everything
And into everything else
At the same time.

Here in this Washington,
In this grey-and-green world
I dare to name as mine,
I smile and count my
Finger on both hands
To make sure they are there.

Here in this Washington,
No piece of me feels
Any obligations to go,
I am planted like a seed
Who knows its purpose,
Or do I?

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