Sunday, May 22, 2011


It was called gravity,
And it pulled me down.
I was once as alive as anything,
But this gravity
Brought me against the ground.

I needed so little,
Just space somewhere
In this spinning atmosphere,
But it opened its mouth
And swallowed that space.

It tore the words from my tongue,
The thought from my mind,
The air from my lungs
And left me cold and quiet
On the dark ground,

But you know if I could ride
The thermals and air currents,
I’d be something nearer
What I long for,
I’d be something nearer
And maybe I could take a few steps
And find myself
Somewhere else.
Maybe somewhere in that sky,
I’d soar.


Unknown said...


Amy said...

Maybe the gravity isn't holding you down- but rather holding everything else to you...